Dr. Nasir Shaikh is a Reagan Conservative, is a second generation American Muslim. Dr. Shaikh’s passion for politics were shaped by President Ronald Reagan, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, his silent “Conservative Mentors”. Dr. Shaikh attended Westminster College and graduated from Ross School of Medicine. Dr. Shaikh is a staunch President Trump supporter since the very first day and was one of the very few political pundits who correctly predicted and guaranteed a huge Trump electoral college victory on his Facebook video blog on pre-election night. Dr. Shaikh is in his 3rd year of co-hosting the Conservative Commandos Radio Show. His signature sign-off is “When you’re Right your Right, and when you’re Left your Wrong”!!
Is Islam Compatible With America?? By Dr. Nasir Shaikh.....
My name is Nate Shay. I am an American, a 2nd generation product of an Immigrant family , born, bred and raised in flyover country of the Red, White and Blue. We were an upper middle class American family. My parents were Republican. My dad was a 32nd degree Mason as well. I have been a Republican and a Reagan Conservative for as long as I can remember. My parents love Ronald Reagan. I love Ronald Reagan. My parents love America. I love America. What’s not to love? My parents voted Republican. Every time I have voted, it has always been Republican. I voted for Donald Trump to be our CEO and CFO of America. I was one of the few Conservative political analysts who predicted and guaranteed his election victory all throughout his campaign.
You are probably thinking by now, big deal, typical White Anglo-Saxon Republican flyover country family upbringing. When will he bring up the “real stuff? When will the dog whistles come out? When will the code words for Islamaphobia and Xenophobia appear? If you are skewed to the dogmas of the political Left, you have by now jumped out of your seat at the Leftist political Bridge table and bidding your trump card, the “aha, you’re a Racist” card based on the typical “ idiotic, moronic, imbecilic and assinine” Leftist Pavlovian assumptions, which are never based on a single fact. Yet I can hear all you Leftists labeling me as a racist and bigot as well. The rest of you are asking, what does any of this have to do with the premise of the title for my article?
Please bear with me as it will all make sense as you read further. I have to let you know that one very crucial detail in the first paragraph about me is not true and another detail I will add later. Can you guess the incorrect one? Very few of you will deduce the answer, if any at all. Think now. Give up! Let me rewrite the first paragraph by inserting the correct details in bold.
Let me reintroduce myself. My name is not Nate Shay. My name is Dr. Nasir Shaikh. I am an American, a 2nd generation product of an Immigrant family, born, bred and raised in flyover country of the Red, White and Blue. We were an upper middle class American Caucasian Muslim family. My parents were Republican. My dad was a 32nd degree Mason as well. I have been a Republican and a Reagan conservative for as long as I can remember. My parents love Ronald Reagan. I love Ronald Reagan. My parents love America. I love America. What’s not to love? My parents voted Republican. Every time I have voted, it has always been Republican. I voted for Donald Trump to be our CEO and CFO of America. I was one of the few Conservative political journalists who predicted and guaranteed his election victory all throughout his campaign. Oh, and by the way, I should mention I’m an American who happens to be a 2nd generation Muslim. I’m married to a 1st generation American and we have three wonderful 3rd generation baseball, hotdog and apple pie loving American children.
As one of our most beloved marines Gomer Pyle used to say, “surprise, surprise, surprise”. Are you shocked? Stunned? Bewildered? It’s the name right! Kinda funny looking, right! Maybe even a little funny sounding? Doesn’t really look like an American name you say! So what does an American name look like? It looks just like this…Dr. Nasir Shaikh…and by the way I am a medical doctor. I also host my own weekly radio and TV talk show on the Conservative Commandos Radio Network.Those of you on the Conservative side of the aisle are probably surprised, yet happy to see me on your team because quite frankly there’s not a whole bunch of “us” on your side. I aim to change that! Those of you on the DemoKKKratic side are stunned and asking the question, “Nasir, why aren’t you on our side? This doesn’t make any sense. You should be on our Multi-Cultural Asian Plantation”. My answerto this question posed by all of you DemoKKKrats, Liberals, the Alt-Left, Left-Stream and Main Stream media and the entire DemoKKKratic State Party controlled media is how I close my radio show everyday by saying “When you’re RIGHT your RIGHT, and when you’re LEFT, your WRONG.
So let’s get back to the premise of my article. Is Islam compatible with America? Please note because this is extremely important. The question I am asking is NOT if Islam could be freely practiced by Muslims in their homes or mosques in America. Of course we know all Americans are free to practice their religion or faith as guaranteed by the first amendment. We are attempting to ascertain the compatibility issue of Islamic philosophy with the Judea-Christian philosophy upon which America was founded. So another way of asking the question would be, “Is the philosophy of Islam compatible with the Judea-Christian philosophy of America”? My answer to both questions would be it is NOT.
Allow me to present my evidence. Islamic philosophy and the American Constitution are fundamentally two very different and diametric schools of thought. The biggest reason why compatibility can never occur is because in Islam there is no concept of separation between “religion and state”, in others words what we in America call separation between “church and state”. In Islam these two entities, religious doctrine and every level of government are married to each other. They are absolutely inseparable. Both are intertwined within the concept of Sharia Law.
Before we proceed any further, I think we need to define Sharia Law. Many people in America and the West are confused as to what it means. There is a lot of confusion on its meaning so let’s clarify it. Think of Sharia Law as the “Constitution” of Islamic philosophy. You could make a case for America that we consider the Bill of Rights to be the Constitution of Judea-Christian philosophy. The difference lies in the author(s). Whereas Americans believe the Constitution was written by our Founding Fathers with Divine guidance, Muslims believe Sharia Law was authored through Divine revelation to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the same manner the Ten Commandments were Divinely revealed to Prophet Moses (pbuh) thru the archangel Gabriel for both.
Muslim majority countries are ruled by Sharia Law which according to the vast majority of Muslims is interpreted as God’s law or Commandments. America and western governments need to understand that Sharia Law in Muslim countries encompasses every aspect of a person’s life, both public and private. According to Islamic philosophy, any laws made by man can never supersede God’s Law. In religious doctrine practiced by the most pious that may suffice, but in practice many Muslim laws are formulated based on interpretations from Muslim scholars. Quite a number of Muslim countries have interpreted Sharia Law based on many Muslim think tanks, scholars and have incorporated their “man made” interpretations into law.
Therefore, according to Islamic Law, our American Constitution, as written by our Founding Fathers would be incompatible with Sharia Law because it separates religion and state. To make this abundantly clear, let’s see how compatible Sharia Law is with the Constitution of the United States of America.
Let’s start with the Bill of Rights, especially the first amendment which guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press and freedom of peaceful assembly and see if there are any areas of compatibility with Sharia Law.
Under Sharia Law there is no concept of freedom of speech. There are limits placed on speech and individual expression in a Muslim country regarding what one can write, speak or wear. Censorship is applied quite often. This applies to newspapers, magazines, movies, TV, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram , etc. Take for example the case of Vida Movahed. She is an Iranian woman who dared to take off her hijab which is nothing more than a head covering in public during a peaceful protest in 2017. Her crime for which she was found guilty was “guilty of encouraging public corruption”. Her sentence is to be jailed for one year. The Iranian “morality police”, which number in the thousands file tens of thousands “indecent hijab” reports every year. This “hijab law” is even enforceable if a woman is driving her car and not wearing her hijab. If caught the police have the authority to impound the vehicle for this felony.
Another aspect where freedom of speech is not allowed are the “blasphemy” laws which were created and added to the Sharia Laws in Muslim countries. These blasphemy laws make it illegal for anyone to criticize, blame or make fun of any aspect of Islam whether it be speaking, writing, paintings, drawings, caricatures or cartoons. It applies to all Muslims and non-Muslims living in Muslim countries. Sharia Law scholars in many instances have stated these blasphemy laws can also be applied to persons or nations around the world even if that person or nation is not Muslim. As you can see there is no Islamic concept of freedom of speech. This in itself is anathema to the first Amendment. One could stop right now and correctly say if freedom of speech is not allowed under Sharia Law, then Sharia Law is incompatible with our American Constitution which leads to the conclusion Islam is incompatible with American democracy. For without freedom of speech, which is the foundation of America’s republic, all other freedoms fall by the wayside. But let us not be hasty and slam the door too quickly on our premise. Let us further bolster our argument by examining other areas of Sharia Law which are incompatible within the framework of the first Amendment.
Let us consider the concept of freedom of religion. Under Sharia Law there is no concept of total freedom of religion as we know of it in America. Under Sharia Law the concept of freedom of religion is quite limiting. Even among various Muslim sects and denominations there are many areas of disagreement. This is especially true between the Sunni majority and Shia minority. Sharia Law interpretations may be different from one Muslim country to another. In fact interpretation of Sharia Law and its implementation maybe two different things. In regards to non-Muslims living in Muslim countries, they have the right to practice and follow any faith they choose to do so. They can worship in their homes, in their communities at places of worship already in place. They may not however prosthelytize their faith outside of these two institutions. The penalty for apostasy by a Muslim is death according to Sharia Law. If a non-Muslim converts to Islam, he is in a way “reborn” and begins his life as a Muslim, free from sin under Sharia Law. Another area of where freedom of religion does not apply is new places for worship such as churches, synagogues or temples are not allowed to be built in Muslim countries. As anyone can plainly see, this is really not freedom of religion and incompatible with America’s first Amendment.
So now let’s see if there is any compatibility of Sharia Law with freedom of the press. The answer is a resounding NO. Many Muslim countries are led by Royal Families, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Generals, some by dictators and others by religious zealots. There are severe limitations on what the press or public can write and talk about. In Muslim countries this would involve both secular and religious comments. In other words any individual or entity would be forbidden from writing anything perceived as ridicule, slander, hostile or in opposition towards heads of state, government officials or against Islam. The penalty for such insubordination could be mob violence directed towards the individual, jail time, being tortured or paying the ultimate price, death, as in the case of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi who wrote scathing articles against the Royal Family and aligning himself with factions who were looking to end the Saudi Royal dynasty.
Finally we come to freedom of assembly. Is there any compatibility with Sharia Law of this overlooked freedom we Americans take for granted? Again the answer is absolutely NOT. Gathering together to protest against government policies or heads of state in Muslim countries can lead to many of the consequences cited above. Reprisals against Islamic teachings or Islamic governments are met withswift condemnation and severe repercussions from the Sharia police state in those countries. An example from recent times is the Iranian Spring revolts in 2009 where thousands of Iranian protestors were imprisoned, tortured and even killed.
I think these examples prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Sharia Law is incompatible with America as well as other Western democracies. In conclusion, Let me be extremely clear in this regard. Sharia Law must never be allowed to be the “rule of law” in America nor should it ever even be considered.
What is Islam and What does a Muslim Believe? BY DR. NASIR SHAIKH
I’m willing to bet that 90% of non-Muslims reading this article would be hard pressed to come up with at least one of the five pillars of faith a Muslim believes in. I’m also willing to add another wager which is a very large percentage of Muslims from around the would have difficulty in coming up with an answer as well. So what is a Muslim? Who are they? What do they believe in? What are the areas of commonality between Muslims and Christians? What is the difference between a Muslim and a “Muslimist”? What is the difference between the religion of Islam and “Islamism”
Allow me to give you the unadulterated facts to the above questions. The straight and simple truth. By the time you have finished this article you will have more working knowledge of who and what Muslims are and believe in than 99% of the general public.
Let me begin by stating that I am a second generation American first and foremost, born, bred and raised in the United States of America. I am also a Muslim so I have working knowledge of what I am speaking about.
Simply put, a Muslim is a person who follows the religion of Islam. Islam means submission to God. So a Muslim is a person who submits to God. According to Pew Research poll in 2015 Islam is the second largest religion in world with over 1.8 billion adherents representing about 24% of the worlds 7.3 billion people. Islam was a faith revealed not for the classes but rather for the masses. Islams’ roots began in the city of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia at the beginning of the 7th century approximately 600 years after the advent of Christianity. The Qur’an, which is the Holy Book of Muslims and they believe It was revealed to Prophet Muhammad [(pbuh)-peace be upon him] through the Angel Gabriel(pbuh) over a period of 23 years.
Next I want to get into the the Acts of Faith a Muslim must do on either a daily basis, a monthly basis or over the course of their lives. These are called the Five Pillars or Principles of Faith. They are:
A Muslim must recite this Pledge which is “ I believe in One and only One God and I believe that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was His last Prophet”.
Pray five times a day
Fast during daytime in the Muslim month of Ramadan
If you are financially able, give an annual charity of 2.5% of your yearly assets to the poor and needy
If you are financially able, perform the annual Haj Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your lifetime.
A Muslim MUST also believe in the following Articles of Faith and recite the following: “ I affirm my belief in God and His Angels and His Books and His Messengers and all good things that come from God being destined to me and all evil things that come from God being destined to me and in the Resurrection that is coming to life again after death”.
The Muslim beliefs are:
Believe in the concept of the “Oneness of God”
Believe in Angels
Believe in all of the Holy Books given to the Prophets of God
Believe in all of God’s Prophets
Believe in the concept of “Divine Destiny”
Believe in the Last Day
Believe in the day of Resurrection, Judgement and Atonement
Believe in the concept of Heaven and Hell
Let’s take a few of these and elaborate: The concept of the “Oneness of God”. Muslims believe there is only One God. God has no father, has no mother, has no sons or daughters. In other words “God begets not, nor is God begotten”. God is Eternal, has no Beginning nor End. God is Absolute. God is monotheistic is the truest sense of the word in Islam. You will quite often see Muslims using the word “Allah” for the word God. God is a close English translation for Arabic word “Allah” but does not quite capture the Arabic meaning. In the Arabic language “Allah” has no gender; therefore, no masculine or feminine connotation. “Allah” can only be used to describe “Allah”. Compare that to the English word God, which can be written as Gods implying more than one God, written as (g)od with a little “g” to denote a smaller god, or goddess to denote a female god. That is the reason you will see “Allah” being used instead of the word God, because “Allah” conveys the purest monotheistic meaning.
Muslims believe in all of God’s Angels. They believe God enjoins an infinite number of Angels to do His bidding. Each Angel is tasked with instructions on continuing God’s eternal work within the universe. All Angels have names and have their own hierarchy within God’s creation. ArchAngels are the highest in creation. Angel Gabriel( pbuh) is among the archangels, considered the highest ranking among Angels and known as the Angel of Revelation. Muslims believe God sent revelations to His Prophets via Angel Gabriel(pbuh). Other archangels are Michael(pbuh), the Angel of Mercy, archangel Raphael(pbuh) who is tasked with blowing the horn announcing the commencement of the Day of Judgement and archangel Israel known as the Angel of Death. Muslims believe God has appointed two Angels to every person to record all their actions from birth until death. They are named “Kiriban Kitabin”, and are over looking every person’s right and left shoulders. The Angel on the right is tasked with recording a person’s good deeds while the Angel on the left is recording their bad deeds. Muslims believe on the Day of Judgement, these recordings will be presented before God and each person will be judged accordingly.
Muslims believe in all of the Holy Books God has revealed to His Prophets. They are the Ten Commandments and Torah (Old Testament) given to Prophet Moses (pbuh). The Zaboor or Psalms of David given to Prophet David (pbuh), The Holy Bible given to Prophet Jesus (pbuh) and the Holy Qur’an given to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Muslims believe in all of God’s Prophets. From Prophet Adam (pbuh), who God created first all the way to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the last of the Prophets. Other Prophets Muslims believe in are Enoch, Noah, Hood, Saleh, Ishmael, Issac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, Lot, Jonah, Zulkiff, David, Solomon, Elias, Zachariah, John the Baptist and Jesus. (may peace and blessings be upon them all)
There are quite a number of beliefs that are common between Islam and Christianity. Muslims believe in the sanctity of life, in Creationism, in Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden and the Fall from Grace due to Satan’s deception. Muslims believe in the story of Prophet Noah (pbuh), the flood and the “Ark of the Covenant”. Muslims believe in the story of Prophet Moses (pbuh) being raised in Pharaoh’s family, Moses (pbuh) liberation of Israelites from Pharaoh’s bondage and God’s miracle of the parting of the Red Sea allowing the Israelites to escape Pharaoh’s army. Muslims believe Mary (pbuh) is the mother of Prophet Jesus (pbuh), his virgin birth and his speaking as an infant. Mary (pbuh) is absolutely revered by Muslims and she is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an by name 70 times. In fact, Mary (pbuh) is mentioned more times in the Holy Qur’an then in the New Testament. Muslims believe in the miracles God allowed Prophet Jesus (pbuh) to perform, giving sight to the blind, healing of lepers, breathing life into clay birds and the raising of the dead. I could continue to list hundreds of more examples of commonality between Islam and Christianity but these should suffice for now.
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